Instantly schedule the appointment at DuBunné Spa Club and Massage Centre that’s right for you. Browse the full menu of services on offer, schedule your appointment, and get confirmation of it right through the app. You can also review the details of your appointment after it has been confirmed.
No Waiting
With the DuBunné Spa mobile app you can simply and easily browse all of our fantastic spa services, read client reviews, and learn about the levels of membership available. You’ll also get instant notification of the specials and promotions we have for you every month.
Find out about the amenities waiting for you
View our Day Spa video
Compare our Spa Party options
Get full contact details and driving directions
Find out about joining our team
You can also purchase customizable gift cards for either specific services or a dollar amount right through the app.
No Stress
DuBunné Spa Club and Massage Centre is dedicated to relieving all of the stress in your life, and that includes making it easy to book your next appointment with us.